Hope on the Ground

Hope on the Ground (HOTG) is the short-term teams ministry of Education Equals Hope, a non-profit which exists to help provide education to those living in desperate and difficult situations.

Serve with us!

We host short-term mission teams from schools, churches, and corporations in the United States and Canada who work alongside our e=h ministry sites.

You’ll meet and serve with children and families living in desperate and difficult situations.

The Hope on the Ground team will create a unique service experience for you and your team, handling all logistics and guiding you through the mission experience. You will make a long-term impact in our communities and return home with lifelong memories and transformation.


  • Bring a Team

    Travel to Ecuador for 5-10 days with a group from your church, school, or workplace. Work alongside our ministry partners and create meaningful relationships.

  • Serve as an Intern

    Spend a summer (or longer!) in Ecuador hosting short-term teams, being the bridge between cultures. Care for teams while they are on the ground.

  • Fund an Experience

    Support a specific short-term mission team or team participant financially, as they raise funds to travel to Ecuador and engage in meaningful mission work.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.”

John 15:5