“I have been connected to the work of Education Equals Hope (e=h) for many years, and my family and I help support children in Ecuador with scholarships for school. In recent years, I have had the opportunity to meet and work alongside several of those children and their families while serving on short-term mission teams in Quito, Ecuador. What a wonderful blessing to see what God is doing in the lives of those children, their families and their communities!

HOTG provides the staff, logistics and organization to connect short-term mission teams from the US to communities in Ecuador. The phrase, “people over projects” guides the work we do together, which can include construction and home repair, faith formation, children’s programs and sports, worship and fellowship, with times for group and personal reflection. Youth and adults alike have opportunity to work, make personal connections, and grow deeper in their own faith.

 Thank you to e=h and Hope on the Ground for bringing our lives together!”

- The Rev. Susan Louttit-Hardaway (Anderson, South Carolina)

What happens “on the ground” in Ecuador?

Each short-term mission team’s time in Ecuador is different, since work projects and activities are tailored specifically to the team and ministry involved in the mutual relationship. However, most Hope on the Ground team experiences do include some common elements.

Click the link below to learn more about what your team might do.

When can I bring a team to Ecuador?

We receive teams year-round, though our busiest season and most exciting time of the year is during summer break. Currently, we are confirming our summer 2024 dates.

Click below to see our dates and rates!

What is Ecuador like?

This little country, about the size of the state of Colorado, is made up of four main regions and boasts an incredible quantity of ecological and ethnic diversity. Quito, the bustling capital city, will be your team’s home base during your time on the ground.

Click the link below to learn more about Ecuador.

What makes Hope on the Ground teams different?

We have a very specific definition of successful mission experiences. Our goals are true partnership and tangible transformation. We are very intentional about perpetuating a healthy model of mission work.

Click below to learn about our philosophy of missions.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.”

John 15:5