Hope on the Ground

  • Our Mission

    Education Equals Hope strives to provide for the education of those living in desperate and difficult situations.

    Hope on the Ground exists to serve Education Equals Hope students, families and ministry sites through facilitating spiritually transformational service-learning opportunities.

  • Our Vision

    Education Equals Hope believes that holistic education is a fundamental part of the equation that empowers children and communities around the globe to break the cycle of poverty and impact the next generation. We provide educational support for children, teens, and adults, and work to provide educational resources for entire communities in regions of our world that have suffered from poverty, crisis and natural disaster.

  • Our Partners

    In Ecuador, we work with 17 unique ministry partners. You may serve at one or more of these ministry sites during your time on a short-term team. These partners include churches of all shapes, sizes and denominations. We also partner with two ministries who work with young men and young women coming out of vulnerable situations such as abuse, neglect and trafficking.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.”

John 15:5