“I couldn’t ask for a better community of Christ-centered people to do life with for a summer. This summer has challenged me, given me the best friendships, and has helped me grow in my faith.”

- Jamie H. (Summer 2022 intern)

  • Summer Internships

    Are you an enthusiastic, proactive, somewhat-Spanish-speaking college student looking for a faith-based summer internship?

    Summer is our full season, at times with 4+ teams serving on the ground. We recruit 8-10 college students each year to host Hope on the Ground teams. Team Hosts guide, translate, and take care of participants in short-term mission teams. They serve as the bridge between Ecuadorian and North American culture.

    This is a fundraised position, though interns do receive a stipend at the end of the summer.

  • Gap Year or Semester Internships

    Are you looking for a service experience that fits into a less-traditional time frame?

    Hope on the Ground receives interns throughout the year. This internship is designed through teamwork between HOTG staff and the future intern. Tell us what you are passionate about, and we can find a ministry partner site that will be a good fit.

    Live with a host family, improve your Spanish skills, and build deep relationship at one of our ministry sites.

    This is a fundraised position.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.”

John 15:5